We are gamersWe love esportsWe strive for performance

Antgrip is a company founded with a vision to improve the peak performance of professional gamers.

It strives to produce premium quality accessories that help competitors reach higher.

We aim to achieve perfection in everything we do – be it perfect fit of our product, perfect user experience, perfect communication. We don’t always succeed, but we try tirelessly to improve.

Antgrip started as an idea back in 2017, when we were searching for a solution to our sweaty hands in clutch moments while gaming. We could never get rid of the mouse grip slipping.  It was driving us absolutely mad.

Our search for a solution had us go through a wide array of off-the-shelf solutions. None were a match. We started experimenting with different materials and after a few months, we found what is now Antgrip:

  1. An aluminum-oxide based solution with a MOHS hardness rating of 9 (of 10, the latter belongs to diamond), with superior consistency and non-irritability.
  2. For the back side, we found a silicon-based glue, which guaranteed a solid fit, yet importantly not leave any residue when replacing grips.

We believe in a future where gaming is not just a pastime but the largest entertainment industry and the biggest sport in the world.

Our team is made of gaming enthusiasts who are trying non-stop to find ways to improve the in-game performance and user experience of gamers around the globe. We started as a group of friends and continue to operate in this direct, open and informal way.

Our core values are experience, performance and friendliness.


Antgrip is a brand of
AMPX, communication agency, d.o.o.
Vaneca 69a, 9201 Puconci, Slovenia
Registration number: 4055578000

Contact email: [email protected]
Contact phone: +386 41 290 976

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Antgrip is now shipping to customers worldwide within 48 hours of order confirmation.